Friday, October 23, 2009

Panel Optimization Part 2

My analysis of module optimizers is now complete.  If you recall, there were three under consideration:
And the winner is...

Tigo Energy Module Maximizer-ES 60

It was actually a fairly straightforward decision.

All three optimizers provide power maximization at the module level. This will minimize the degradation of the power output for an entire series based on an issue for a single module, such as shading.
But the one feature that sets the Tigo product apart from the others is the module monitoring.  Much as the Enphase micro-inverters, the Tigo maximizers provide per-module information which is collected by a central sensor/combiner and managed by a Maximizer Management Unit (MMU).  Monitoring can be shared with Tigo so that their engineers can diagnose module problems should they occur.

Tigo components are approximately:

  • $56 per maximizer.  One per module.
  • $650 for the MMU.
  • $0 for 6 months of monitoring by Tigo.
  • $350 for 5 years of monitoring.

Module performance can be monitored using a web browser and the display can be customized so that individual solar panels are shown visually matching the actual installation.

Unfortunately, the technical information available from the Tigo website is minimal and the options are varied so decisions are tough to make without requesting additional information. For example, the website does not mention several important facts:

  • A 'sensor/combiner' is required.  This is the box that communicates with each module maximizer and forwards that information for monitoring.
  • The pictures give the impression that there are four connections to each but there is a fifth connection that is made to the 'sensor/combiner' over which the module control signals are sent and the module performance information is retrieved.
  • The maximizers can communicate with the 'sensor/combiner' either wired or wirelessly.
  • The interconnections between the modules is done via Tigo custom connector.  I'm sure that is deliberate so that incorrect connections cannot be made and damage the maximizer or the module.
  • Nothing is said about how the 'sensor/maximizer' connects to the Internet for monitoring. Is a wired Cat-5 connection required or is WiFi supported? Can the monitoring information be collected locally or am I locked into Tigo's monitoring?
But the Tigo's are brand new and are only now becoming available so it's not surprising that information is only now trickling out and even dealers have little information. I've been working with Tigo directly and am now working one of their distributors, AEE Solar, to figure out the proper configuration. Once I get a configuration finalized I'll have to work with one of AEE Solar's local dealers to place the order.  

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