Saturday, April 17, 2010

It's Alive!

Monday, March 22nd

I received a call from Stuart Davis, one of my heroes at Tigo, telling me that yes, they had indeed modified the connectors on the LMU based on installer feedback. He said he would overnight a crimper and some new connectors.

While I was talking with Stuart, he mentioned that their system was seeing power from all of the modules! I was surprised, though I shouldn't have been — it isn't necessary for the panels to actually be feeding power to an inverter in order for the LMUs to be reporting panel performance.

Tuesday, March 23rd

The crimper and connectors arrived from Tigo in the early afternoon. Anxiously, I ran the scissor lift back to the panels, gathered some tools and cable ties, and proceeded to:

  1. replace the connectors on the home-run cables,
  2. connect the home-run cables to the series feeds,
  3. re-energize the DC disconnect,
  4. re-energize the AC disconnect, and
  5. watch the inverter expectantly.

Power to the inverter!

Power being reported by the Tigo website!

Being on a roll, I then proceeded to cable tie everything nicely so there were no more loose, dangling cables.

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